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Gong & Sound Bath therapy


Sound Therapy involves sitting or lying quietly with closed eyes whilst different specialist musical instruments are used to create one note or sound at a time. As well as hearing these notes, the body absorbs them and starts to resonate gently at the same frequency promoting a profound sense of well-being and comfort.

Sound is being used more and more as an agent of healing in both orthodox and complimentary therapy for many conditions and as a potent aid to relaxation and stress relief.

A sound bath totally immerses participants in the differing vibrational frequencies of the instruments.

On Saturday 16th November 2019, Feathers Holistic Centre will be hosting a gong and sound bath session, with ongoing dates to be confirmed. Come along to experience the amazing benefits of pure sound. You'll be lying down, so wear loose clothing and please bring a yoga mat if you have one, together with a comfy cushion or pillow for your head and blanket to wrap yourself in.

The session will last for an hour. Please arrive by 7:15pm in order to get comfortable for a 7:30pm start.

Cost: £12.00 per session - pay on the door

N.B. The group sound baths are not suitable during pregnancy or for anyone with epilepsy or serious mental health issues. Anyone with on going health issues please call Jill on 07725 513738 to discuss prior to the sound bath.

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